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Orjinalini görmek için tıklayınız: Tax center hakkında
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Congratulations on your success as a Shutterstock contributor.

You'll soon be able to receive your earnings but first you should visit our new Tax Center.

If you are a US citizen or resident alien, you must submit a tax form before you can receive payment.
If you are not a US citizen or resident, you should also submit a tax form. If you don't, 30% will be withheld from your earnings.
You can access your relevant tax form from our new Tax Center.

Shutterstock is required to maintain up-to-date tax information about its contributors on behalf of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service.

Please contact us with any questions.

Shutterstock Contributor Support"

şeklinde bir mail geldi.

Bilen var mı?
Tax center'dan vergi formu doldurman gerekli (w8-ben formu)